Which areas are stressors you perceive to be necessary and unavoidable?

Which areas are stressors you perceive to be necessary and unavoidable?

Complete the Holmes-Rahe Stress Inventory (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Discuss your total score and focus on areas that might have surprised you as being considered “stressors”.

Which areas are stressors you perceive to be necessary and unavoidable? Ask yourself if this is truly unavoidable or simply a situation you do not have the desire or motivation to change.

Discuss areas you are aware could be improved.

Chose one of the life stressors you would like to make an effort to improve soon. Include any plans of action you may have to do this, as well.


Initial posts are to be no less than 2-paragraphs.

Paragraphs must be separated to meet the criteria.

A minimum of 1 response is required for each Discussion

Responses are to be no less than 1-paragraph.

Image preview for which areas are stressors you perceive to be necessary and unavoidable?

Which areas are stressors you perceive to be necessary and unavoidable


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