Investigating an individual research project involving contemporary art.
Research Project Over the course of the semester you will be investigating an individual research project involving contemporary art. This project should answer a particular research question and not merely be a biography of a selected artist or overview of a theme. The final paper should be eight pages (double- spaced, 12pt font, 1″ margins) and make use of primary and secondary sources. The assignment will be broken into a research proposal, annotated bibliography, outline and draft, mini-presentation, and final version.
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A Project on the Effects of Post-Modernism on Art Today
Art remains a unique way of expression in the society. Artists continue to express their feelings through writing, curving and drawing among others. However, in the contemporary society, art has continued to evolve through the influence of technology and culture. Art has become dynamic with the increased availability of material and concepts that challenge cultural backgrounds in different communities. Besides, there is no limitation to the works that an individual should develop and also, there is lack of uniformity in the ideologies of contemporary art.
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