Is increasing income inequality a problem for the country?

Is increasing income inequality a problem for the country?

Case Study Assignment: Submit a paper which discusses the following questions.

Has income inequality increased in the US over the past 50 years and if so, is increasing income inequality a problem for the country?

Double spaced pages using a standard 12 point font.
Please note, you MUST do some additional research in addition to the articles provided to augment your position on the topic. Your grade will be based on your ability to use the provided articles and your additional research to construct and support an opinion. Part of your grade will also depend on the mechanics of the paper, organization, grammar, spelling, and proper use of citations. You will submit your paper in Blackboard and it will be checked for plagiarism by SafeAssign. If you plagiarize your paper you will receive a 0 for the assignment.

Students are encouraged to use academic resources to research their papers.


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Is increasing income inequality a problem for the country


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