Read the page and create a visual outlining the different statements

Topic: week 3

Style APA
Number of words 418
Number of sources 0
Spacing Double
PowerPoint slides 0

Task 3

Module 3: Understand and Reconstruct Code Using a Sample Program
Use identifiers and follow naming conventions to name variables or objects, constants, methods, and classes. Watch the link and create a study guide to remember the important terms:

Program using statements and expressions

Explore Java data types and operators by watching the video:

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Explore numeric primitive data types, perform operations using mathematical operators, perform advanced operations such as exponents, logs, etc. using the math class built-in methods, shorthand operators, increment and decrement.
More on Java Fundamentals
Writing and evaluating statements: b) Type conversion or cast values from one numeric data type to another c) Post-increment and pre-increment.
Read the page and create a visual outlining the different statements: Expressions and Statements

Step 4: Code Styling and Program Readability

a) Inline and block comments
b) b) Line of code Indentations

Given a simple Java program that performs calculations, lists the variables (or objects) using identifiers and types, the value stored in those variables, and identifies the expression in the assignment statement. State whether there is an increment or decrement of values.

Part 2

1) Students work individually or in groups to create, compile and run a simple program that declares a variable using appropriate data type, and an assignment statement containing the declared variable and expression statement. Students must include code styling and documentation.
2) Students work individually or in groups to create, compile and run a program that computes the area of a square using type conversion, and output the results using correct identifiers and naming convention, assignment statement and expressions, variables (objects), and appropriate data types. Students must include code styling and documentation.


Students work individually or in groups to create, compile and run a program that computes the area of a circle and output the results using correct identifiers and naming convention, assignment statements and expressions, variables (objects), and appropriate data types. Students should apply code styling and documentation.


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Read the page and create a visual outlining the different statements

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