Journal Critique Instructions
You will evaluate and critique 1 research article from varying professional journals. The journal can be from any discipline that addresses a topic in higher education specific to the week assigned. All articles must be current (5 years or less). Paper will include a title page, a reference page, and have a 225–250-word limit. Title page, in-text citations, and the reference page are NOT included in the word limit. Journal critiques consist of 3 parts (each part should be 1 paragraph only): Part 1 Summary Paragraph, Part 2 Analysis of Author’s Key Points, and Part 3 Personal Response. Specific to Part 3 Personal Response, personal pronouns are appropriate in this section only of the journal critique.
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Journal Critique
Higher education is necessary because it equips learners with the relevant skills to fit into the job market depending on their qualification. The paper focuses on the quality of higher education in India and the various ways in which the government has intervened to make improvements.
(312 words)