Briefly discuss the history of the 5th How did these cases benefit society?

Briefly discuss the history of the 5th How did these cases benefit society?

Administration of Justice /

AJ 104 Criminal Evidence


Spring 2020 Term Paper Topics and Paper Parameters.


Choose one of the following topics for your term paper:


  1. Research and cite 4 criminal law court cases in which evidence in the case was directly related to 1st Amendment activities. Was the outcome of these cases in favor the of the defendants’ assertion of their 1st Amendment privilege? How do these decisions affect you and those around you in 2019?


  1. Research and cite 4 criminal law court cases in which evidence in the case was directly related to the defendant’s assertion of a violation of his/her 5th Amendment Rights by law enforcement. Briefly discuss the history of the 5th How did these cases benefit society? How do these court decisions affect you and those around you in 2019?


  1. Provide a thorough historical background of the 6th Cite and discuss 2 cases in the U.S. during the 19th century that have reshaped the Due Process provided by this Amendment. How have these decisions helped improve American citizens rights? Are these precedent setting cases important to you? Why?


  1. List and discuss a minimum of 5 reasons why evidence in a trial might be excluded. Give an example of 2 major criminal cases where these exclusions have changed the outcome of the case. Do you believe the rules of evidence which exclude evidence are good or bad, or are they just another tool of defense attorney’s?


  1. During the long history of the U.S. Supreme Court there have been several decisions by the court that are deemed by today’s standards to be an embarrassment to the court. These decisions were acceptable at the time but are now considered decisions that are racist, bigoted, cruel or oppressive. Discuss 4 of these cases. Why do you believe the court ruled the way they did?




YOUR SEMESTER PAPER WILL BE 5 PAGES, YOU CAN WRITE MORE IF YOU NEED TO, BUT NO MORE THAN 7 PAGES. THE WORKS CITED/REFERENCE PAGE AND COVER PAGES DO NOT COUNT TOWARD YOUR 5 PAGES. Your paper will be graded on how well you follow the below guidelines as well as grammar, proper punctuation, spelling, organization and general readability.


Ladies and Gentlemen, what I am looking for in the AJ104 Term Paper is a combination of your ability to research appropriate criminal evidence cases for your chosen topic, as well as your personal view of the above topics. How do they affect you or those around you, today in 2019 Northern California? Did they benefit society or set it back?


Your paper should have a strong introduction, one that really hooks the reader and makes them not want to put the paper down. The body of your paper should have your research and your thesis or opinions about the effect of the cases. Give your paper a strong conclusion with a good summary of the topic/cases and your thoughts.



Term Paper Format – MLA Format guidelines will apply to your paper:

  • Use 1-inch margins on the top, bottom and both sides.
  • Indent the first sentence of each paragraph 5 spaces.
  • Avoid entering a double space between paragraphs by hitting the “Enter” key twice. There is already a space, and the 1-inch indentations notes the start of a new paragraph.
  • Use single spaces between sentences after the sentence-ending punctuation.
  • Avoid increasing the margins or spacing to stretch the length of your paper.
  • Cover page (Not included in the total number of pages) Include Name, Instructors Name, AJ104 Criminal Evidence, Date
  • 12 Point with a Times Roman Numeral or similar font. (I need to be able to read the paper, no odd fonts)
  • Use standard white computer paper that measure 8.5 x 11 inches.
  • Create a header that uses consecutive page numbers in the right-hand top corner of your paper.
  • You will not be required to add a Bibliography or Endnote Page. However you will be required to add a Works Cited/References Page. (See attached example. Does not count toward overall page count)


This is important, DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA for your research. There are many sources for you to utilize. If you use Wikipedia it will be heavily reflected in your grade. Use college journals or college level research papers. Finally, make sure you give credit where it is due in terms of sources that you have cited in your work.


Image preview for briefly discuss the history of the 5th How did these cases benefit society?

Briefly discuss the history of the 5th How did these cases benefit society


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