Assignment Background and Description Your project sponsor is concerned about capturing (and sharing) as much information and knowledge during the project life cycle as possible. One of the key concerns is that people who work on the project may be the only source for some forms of explicit knowledge created during the project, as well as most forms of tacit knowledge created. When project team members leave the project, they may be taking the only source of the knowledge with them. In order to complete this assignment successfully, you must create a strategy to manage knowledge within your project. Your group will start by having a meeting to discuss the sources of knowledge within your project and classify it as either explicit or tacit. This will require you to do some research to gain a better understanding what each type of knowledge is. You can start by reviewing the definitions defined in the PMBOK starting on page 102. You may also use other sources to help define the type of knowledge, but you must cite your sources. You will then do a group analysis of your project and identify possible sources of knowledge. You will need to identify 2 or 3 sources of knowledge for each type. Once you have identified the sources, you will need define how you will capture and share each of them Your strategy should include all the items listed below: • Identify 2-3 Sources of Tacit Knowledge • Summary plans for capturing and sharing Tacit Knowledge for 2-3 sources identified above. • Identify opportunities for creation or updating of Explicit Knowledge • Summary plans for creating and sharing Explicit Knowledge Include an updated assumption log with any assumptions you made while determining what documents you should include in your knowledge strategy. This assignment is a group assignment, so you will work with the other members of your project team to develop your knowledge management strategy. This assignment is worth 10% of your final grade. 2. Due Thursday, June 8 th , 2023 @ 11:59PM (10%) This must include: • A title page and table of contents • Sources of knowledge. Be specific about where the knowledge is created. • Your groups analysis of the knowledge. Why is classified as explicit or tacit? Why is it important to capture? The risks if it isn’t captured? 2 • Assumption log (keep this current) • Sample documents representing the strategy and knowledge • A group activity log. This can be a separate table or included in a MS Project file. Please use the drop box provided on the course Moodle page to submit your work. Do not email this assignment. 3. Organizational Process Assets Please ensure you cite the sources of information in your assignment. You can use this site as a guide on how to properly cite your sources:… Your assignment should use the book of forms, the book of techniques and the PMBOK guide, as the standard for any documents submitted. If there is a form available, use it!

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