Companies law
Style | APA |
Number of words | 1688 |
Number of sources | 0 |
Spacing | Double |
PowerPoint slides | 0 |
Select one of the topics below:
Describe sources of corporate laws for USA and Saudi Arabia.
Discuss various forms of business entities and how they come into existence for USA and Saudi Arabia.
Compare and contrast partnership and corporation.
Explain the concept of Ultra Vires and its implications to companies.
Identify comparable legal theories and concepts under Saudi Companies Law.
Discuss specific issues for establishing Limited Liability Company under Saudi Companies Law
Q 2
Select one of the following topics:
Explain the role of corporate governance.
Discuss the role and rights of shareholders in a publicly-traded corporation.
Explain different ways of allocating power within a corporation (Berle and Means thesis).
Identify comparable legal theories and concepts under Saudi Companies Law.
Discuss the interrelationship between members (shareholders), directors, creditors, the public and the Company and the role, powers and duties of such persons.
To assess your ability to:
Describe different categories of corporate litigation.
Discuss the termination of litigation.
Identify comparable legal theories and concepts under Saudi Companies Law.
In a one-page response, discuss the benefits and disadvantages of a Direct and Derivative Lawsuit from the perspective of a Shareholder.
Referencing and in-text citation APA , without plagiarism.
Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced)
The answer to question must be at least 250 words
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