Leadership Skills

Leadership Skills

Johanni C

My top five StrengthsFinder themes were Includer, Achiever, Learner, Woo, and Ideation. As an Includer, I strongly desire to include others and make them feel welcome. This aligns well with effective leadership, as good leaders strive to be inclusive and help every team member feel valued (Roberson & Perry, 2022). My Achiever theme explains my constant drive to accomplish things daily. Leaders must have this drive to achieve organizational goals (Farhan, 2021). As a Learner, I am energized by gaining new knowledge. Leaders should have a growth mindset and model continuous learning (Kouzes & Posner, 2019). My Woo theme supports leadership, as connecting with new people builds relationships vital for leaders. Finally, my Ideation strength brings creativity in problem-solving, a critical leadership skill.

Reflecting on my assessment, two core values are inclusivity and growth. I value welcoming others and helping them develop. Two strengths stand out – relationship building and drive to achieve. I connect well with people and am motivated to accomplish goals. Two areas I can strengthen are delegation and providing critical feedback. As a leader, I must avoid taking on too much and empower my team through delegation. Though giving constructive criticism is difficult, it is crucial for team development (López-Cabarcos et al., 2022). With self-awareness, I can leverage my natural strengths for leadership and purposefully develop areas that need growth. Overall, my Signature Themes indicate strengths beneficial for leadership, though continual improvement is vital. Maximizing my talents while addressing areas for improvement will enable me to serve as an effective leader who creates an inclusive, growth-oriented environment by building relationships, driving progress on objectives, and nurturing my team’s development through strategic delegation and constructive feedback.

Patrica -P, L

 The five themes of strength, that reflect my capability and capacity, according to the strength’s finder assessment are adaptability, emotional intelligence, learner, competitive, inclusive, strategic, and restorative. Adaptability is important because change is inevitable and permanent. Therefore, leaders are supposed to be flexible so that they can be able to lead and manage change in a manner that is imperative to the real business world. Flexibility enables leaders to urgently seek creative and improved means of solving complex problems, mastering new skills, and embracing complex problems with grounded innovation (Hu et al., 2022). Emotional intelligence is important is it enables a leader to be able to manage interpersonal relationships in a more empathetic and judicious manner. Being able to connect emotionally with team members is essential for effective leadership. Healthcare systems keep advancing. Therefore, as a learner, I prioritize the culture of continuous use of data or evidence and a culture of continuous learning to promote evidence-based practice. According to Deng et al., (2022), evidence-based practice aims to enhance the most effective care that aims to improve patient outcomes.

The core values that am supposed to improve are respect and communication. As a leader, communication skills are necessary for developing trust, building relationships, and creating a sustainable understanding among team members. More so, communication skills make it easy for a leader to express their ideas effectively and clearly to their team members, seniors, peers, and patients. Enhancing respect in the workplace is essential for promoting a positive work culture that enhances unity.

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