Literature Review

Literature Review

The purpose of this assignment is to build on your Midterm Submission where you created your APA title page, conducted your academic
research, composed an outline, and formulated your APA References page. Please integrate the feedback I provided for your Midterm
submission via your Grades tab to compose your final version of your

Literature Review.
**I will upload the outline that was submitted

Overall Feedback
What an excellent topic, Zina! I look very forward to reading the Final Submission of your Literature Review due at the end of our semester!
Your feedback is below.  Your title page was nearly there. All you need to do is add the title of
your literature review. I put a sample in the Midterm Submission
module so you can see exactly how it is formatted in APA style.  
Your outline was thoughtfully done! You did some extra work in
starting your writing process, which will be helpful for your final
submission. Great job!
Your literature review will need five academic journal citations (also
the textbook would not count as one of your five). You have two so far,
and the academic librarian embedded in our class can help you locate
three more. 
For your citations, the journal and issue are italicized with the volume
of the journal in parenthesis and not italicized. APA has rules for their
rules! Overall, well done!  I completed your rubric.

Step 1:  Complete your research for your topic if you have not already
done so. For the Midterm Submission of your literature review, you
identified your topic and conducted your research in peer-reviewed
journals. This portion of your assignment is likely complete, but if you
need to conduct additional research, please consult SPC’s library online.

Step 2:  For your literature review, you have three APA style
 An APA style title page, which you composed during your Midterm
Submission. Here is a sample: Sample APA Title Page.
 APA style in-text citations (which can be parenthetical citations
and/or narrative citations)  Here is a sample: APA In-Text Citations
 APA style citations on your reference page, which you composed
during your Midterm Submission.  Here is a sample: APA
References Page Sample.
Step 3:  Based on your outline composed for the Midterm Submission,
write your literature review.
Writing the Literature Review
A literature review has three main parts. The introduction, body, and
conclusion. The introduction explains the topic, its importance, and the
purpose of the literature review. The body of the literature review, which
will be the longest section, explains in detail the specifics related to the
purpose of the literature review.  For instance, if the purpose of your
literature review is to identify interventions to assist Asian Americans in
reducing on-the-job stress due to microaggressions in the workplace,
then the body of your paper would need to identify, explain, and evaluate
at least three interventions to assist Asian Americans experiencing on-
the-job stress due to microaggressions in the workplace.  The conclusion
recaps the findings of your literature review and explains areas for
future research directions. 
Mechanics of the Literature Review
Literature reviews are written in 3rd person with an objective stance.

Consequently, first person references, such as “The findings of my
literature review….” and second person references, such as “This
approach would not be helpful to us because….” are avoided. Instead,
literature reviews have an objective voice to critically discuss and
evaluate the topic.  Literature reviews are typically written in past tense
unless present or future tense is warranted.  The length of your
completed literature review will be about five pages or about 1,000
words. Please double-space your literature review. 
Step 4: After you have drafted your literature review, submit it to the
Practice Literature Review Drop Box, located below, which is tied to
Turnitin so you can view your originality report and correct any errors in
originality. You can use this drop box unlimited times. Typically, about 5
percent or less is an acceptable originality score.

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