Low income wages and corrupted companies

Low income wages and corrupted companies

I have a research paper and I need help writing this paper, the professor gave us a free to chose any topic that has to related to corrupted companies, and how to they taking adavtatge of people by paying them less
It is up to us what to write but it has to do with social problems. Can you please see the guide and let me know
So, please can you see the guide and he is asking for 6 reference as well. Also, he gave me this link and he said “Checkout this webpage: https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/. They keep track of corporate lobbying, and you can actually look up the numbers depending on the industry. It’s a great webpage that makes lobbying more transparent. Good luck, and great topic!”

white color crime  socolgy
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White collar crime is defined as the nonviolent crimes committed by government professionals and business enterprises for financial gaining. The name white collar crime was derived from the individuals in the organization that are involved in financial fraud. The individuals include fund managers, executives and business managers.  Example of the crimes aimed at financial gain include embezzlement, money laundering, corporate fraud and security fraud. The main parties involved in the investigation of white collar crimes in the United States include Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), National Association of Security Dealers (NASD) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).Over the years several individuals have been convicted and punished for actively getting involved in White collar crime include Bernard Madoff, Kenneth Lay and Bernard Ebbers. The individuals that are found guilty of committing white collar crime can face imprisonment or very steep fines.   Corporate crime on the other hand deals with the whole company. Corporate crime mainly benefits the individuals in very high positions or the he investors.
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