How can a Brand Management Consultant help Impact Tours leverage brand equity to achieve its goals

How can a Brand Management Consultant help Impact Tours leverage brand equity to achieve its goals

How can a Brand Management Consultant help Impact Tours leverage brand equity to achieve its goals of creating brand awareness and create sustainable demand?
This assignment is assessed by means of an individual assignment of 2500 to 3000 words
You are encouraged to conduct external research to substantiate your answers.
Reference all sources of external information used in your work and any additional information to support your answers can be included in the appendix
Include executive summary.


Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBrand Equity AnalysisApplication and Justification of the four examined aspects of brand equity – brand salience, brand image, brand judgement and brand resonance

70.0 pts

Excellent application and justifications of how Impact Tours can implement each of the four brand equity issues examined

60.0 pts
Very Good

Very good analysis, application and justification of how Impact Tours can implement brand equity principles examined.

50.0 pts

Good analysis, application and justification of how Impact Tours can implement brand equity principles examined.

40.0 pts

Fair levels of analysis, application and justification of how Impact Tours can implement the brand equity principles examined.

30.0 pts

Relatively weak levels of analysis, application and justification of how Impact Tours can implement the brand equity principles examined.

70.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRecommendations ProposedSound, judicious and succinct recommendations proposed

20.0 pts

Excellent and actionable recommendations proposed based on sound analysis of the brand equity issues identified

15.0 pts
Very Good

Very sound and actionable recommendations proposed based on sound analysis of the brand equity issues identified

10.0 pts

Good and actionable recommendations proposed based on sound analysis of the brand equity issues identified

5.0 pts

Weak and lack of actionable recommendations proposed and not based on sound analysis of the brand equity issues identified

0.0 pts
No Marks

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReport StructureThe Report should consist of a Table of Contents, Executive Summary, Introduction as well as a reference list acknowledging all external citations cited in your work

10.0 pts

The report covered all the expected outcomes

7.0 pts
Very Good

The report covered most of the expected outcomes in terms of structure

5.0 pts

The report structure covered some of the expected outcomes

3.0 pts

The report is poorly structured and did not address the expected outcomes

0.0 pts
No Marks

10.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0

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How can a Brand Management Consultant help Impact Tours leverage brand equity to achieve its goals


3148 words

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