Briefly explain why you identified this trigger as being a primary cause of conflict.

#1 Using the Class Poll “Conflict Triggers

Style APA
Number of words
Number of sources 2
Spacing Double
PowerPoint slides 0


Details: #1 Using the Class Poll “Conflict Triggers,” select the main cause YOU BELIEVE to be a trigger. Briefly explain why you identified this trigger as being a primary cause of conflict.

#2 Reflect on a recent conflict you had with a friend, family member, co-worker, or another person. In your own words, what escalated the interaction for you, or what was your trigger? These will be typically be feelings you have experienced in the past such as feeling excluded, powerless, unheard, judged, etc. You do not have to describe the event.

#3 After reviewing the Reading & Resources folder on Conflict Management Styles, identify which style was used by the other person in the conflict situation you just identified and how this style either helped or hindered resolution.
Use APA 7TH edition. Use in-text-citation

Reading & Resources

CONFLICT MANAGEMENT STYLE ORIENTATION SCALE – Click the link to take the online assessment and find out about your conflict management style.

After you take the assessment, watch this video about Conflict Management Styles to find out more.


KILLMANN’S MODEL OF CONFLICT MANAGEMENT STYLES (reading) – To learn about the uses of each style, read this link.

Competing conflict-handling mode

The competing conflict-handling mode is the most assertive and least cooperative of the conflict-handling modes. If someone uses this handling style, they are more likely to pursue their own interests even at the cost of others’ interests.

Individuals with this conflict-handling mode are likely to use whatever they can to win an argument such as particularly good debating skills or even the use of rank. These individuals defend their position in an argument heavily.

Accommodating conflict-handling mode

On the other end of the spectrum, the accommodating conflict-handling mode is very cooperative and not very assertive.

With this conflict-handling mode, you are likely to sacrifice your own stance in preference of agreeing with other parties.

This could be a style leaned on out of a feeling of self-sacrifice for the bigger picture. However, it could also be used by individuals who truly dislike conflict and are willing to sacrifice their opinions in an argument to avoid it.

Avoiding conflict-handling mode

Speaking of hating conflict, if you hate conflict, you might also use the avoiding conflict-handling mode. It might also be used if someone doesn’t feel like they have a large stake or strong opinion in the conflict.

The avoiding conflict-handling mode is neither assertive or cooperative. Rather than choosing a side, these individuals are likely to neither pursue their own interests or the interests of anyone else involved in the conflict.

Collaborating conflict-handling mode

Completely opposite to avoiding is collaborating. This conflict-handling mode holds both strong assertive and cooperative facets.

If you have a collaborative handling mode, you are likely to consider both sides of a conflict and look at the underlying problems and find an answer that works for everyone.

Collaborative conflict-handling modes involve more discussion than argument and finding a solution that addresses all issues.

Compromising conflict-handling mode

The compromising conflict-handling mode is close to collaborating conflict-handling mode. While the collaborative handling mode holds a little more assertiveness with the individual taking charge of a mutually beneficial conversation, compromising is equally assertive and cooperative.

When looking at a conflict with a compromising approach, you are more likely to look at both sides of the problem and find a middle ground.

One of the biggest differences between this and collaborative conflict handling is how deeply an issue is looked at. While a collaborative mode focuses more on picking an issue apart and finding the source of an issue, a compromising mode tries to find a quick middle ground to a problem by meshing multiple ideas into a single solution.

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