Managerial Recruitment Training Presentation

Managerial Recruitment Training Presentation

Scenario. You are an organizational consultant tasked with developing training for hiring managers on the recruitment process.

Create a 15- to 20-slide PowerPoint® presentation in which you examine and apply recruitment methods to attract suitable candidates to your organization.

Provide sufficient information on the slides and include speaker notes to communicate full ideas. Avoid excessive narration on the slides. Focus on content and substance supported by research.

Cover the following elements in your training:

Introduction. Start with a hook, establish your theme, define your outcomes, and explain your process.
Strategic workforce planning. Define SWP and explain how your organization can use SWP to build a high-performance workforce.
Environmental analysis. Define SWOT and PESTLE analysis. Explain how your recruiting function can use SWOT and PESTLE analysis to align
workforce activities to organizational goals and adapt to its competitive environment.
Work analysis. Define work analysis. Show the work analysis process. Explain how work analysis can benefit your organization.
Recruiting process. Show the approach you recommend the organization use for the recruiting process. Base your recruiting process on models from the course materials, from your workplace, or a combination
. Explain how your proposed recruiting process will attract suitable candidates to the organization.
Brand image. Explain how the organization’s image influences recruitment, your recommendations for improving the image to improve recruitment, and the hiring manager’s role as a brand representative.
Job descriptions. Show your proposed outline of a job description. Provide a sample job description.
Measurements. Explain the importance of measurement and control to validate your recruiting efforts. Identify 3 strategically relevant measurements for your organization. In other words, how will you connect your recruiting activities to organizational goals?
Diversity management. Summarize a business case for promoting diversity in the workplace. Show the steps your organization can take to attract diverse candidates who can collaborate to accomplish organizational goals while being fair and equitable to the workforce.
Conclusion. Summarize the key points of your presentation, explain why the recruiting process is essential to the audience, and close with a final thought or challenge.

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