MAR3023 Pick a charity and create a marketing plan
Great news! You were just hired at (Your Chosen Group Charity)! They are looking to expand their not-for-profit charity and have hired you to come up with a complete Cause-Related Marketing Plan to raise money for their cause. You should start by researching the charity and comparing similar charities in the area. I have listed some suggestions below to get you started. Good Luck!
Follow the steps below to get started creating your Marketing Plan for presentation:
Search online for local business/charity competition or national business/charity competition that is similar to your chosen charity. Examine their websites, television advertisements, and any other form of marketing information that you can find. Explore what marketing techniques they are using and explain how your chosen business/charity could use the same or similar techniques. Why have you chosen these techniques, and what are the pros and cons of using these techniques.
Create a strategy that provides details to your plan and how you will achieve these tasks. Think recipe fashion. Do not just provide an ‘end’ result; explain how the result will be achieved.
The following components are required within your marketing plan: Executive summary, 4 P’s of marketing, SWOT analysis, segmentation, sales forecasts, and strategy. APA formatting is required. Please check at the library or online for APA guidelines that are current.
The marketing plan itself should be a minimum of 10 pages long. You must include all references used and they all must be properly cited per APA guidelines. (The title page, table of contents, and references DO NOT count towards the 10 pages).
You can find sample marketing plans online.
Please be creative and have fun!
Hi! um nope! just going to paste this over if it can be of any help!
“The marketing plan MUST be in proper APA format. See chapter 8 in the textbook, the sample APA paper posted in Module 1, or the library if you need assistance with APA. Do note, if you choose to work in Google docs make sure you transfer correctly to a word document before submission and check APA. Google docs is known for causing errors in spacing and formatting. This is YOUR responsibility to ensure the correct document is submitted for grading. The marketing plan is expected to be a MINIMUM of 10 pages in length (this DOES NOT include the title page, abstract, or references) and a MAXIMUM of 20 pages in length. Any submission that is not APA formatted or a minimum of 10 pages will receive a ZERO. Doing just the MINIMUM will NOT guarantee you an A on the marketing plan. Please email questions or clarifications in a timely manner. Unanswered questions are not an excuse for a late submission. Late work is not accepted (see above). ”
Solution Preview
Executive Summary
The world is unpredictable and now and then a disaster strikes, an epidemic, and some states cannot afford resources for survival, and this is where findings from charities are directed to. Problems within the world are inevitable, and as much as we would like to avoid them, we cannot. Therefore, the best cause of action is preparing for them, which is in the extreme disasters that are already happening, and that is why charities exist and are established every now and hen. For instance, hurricanes hit some countries, and there are charities established for such cases, and at the same time,
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