Micro Intervention

Micro Intervention

Last week you read about individual cognition and perceptions of self. This week you will explore the inner world of emotions and how their external manifestation impacts an organization. Too often, emotional challenges receive attention only when a negative consequence plays itself out. Likewise, emotional challenges resulting in productive outcomes go unrecognized.

How can an organization harness both sides of this emotional coin to channel motivation toward productivity improvements?
Is it possible to channel both sides for the good of the organization?
Does prevention mean elimination when an event that typically provokes distraction and compromises performance occurs?

As a creative I/O partner, you are in a prime position to assist with anticipation, prevention, and constructive response. Yes, at times, events require a reaction. But your partnership with HR can change the course of these events by tailoring a response.

For this assessment:

Explain how your proposal aligns with the organizational vision, mission, and goals.
Identify 2 actual or possible impactful consequences resulting from employees’ emotional experiences.

Identify one situation stemming from a desirable emotional experience.
Identify another stemming from a painful or confusing emotional experience.
Consult the diagrams on p. 490 in your text.
Map each experience according to the model on p. 493.
Using Table 12.2 on p. 503 of your text, identify the coping function for each experience.
Finally, craft learning regulation strategies that HR can use to:
Provide a tailored response to the current events.
Prepare experiences geared toward stabilizing motivation when employees hit a rough patch and encouraging motivational momentum when an employee experiences achievement or another high point.

Answer Preview for Micro Intervention


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