Module 1 Pre-Assessment
As a student, you have already gained a great deal of knowledge. What you know and have experienced prior to this class will affect how you perceive, learn, and retain new information. Your learning is also affected by what you think you know. This journal will be used to capture your thoughts about each module topic.
To share your current knowledge, respond to the following before you review the content in the module.
By using your own opinions and knowledge, discuss the importance attributed to engineering ethics by accreditation programs, professional societies, as well as by the society at large.
Go to the link to “Journals” on the course menu to make your journal entry.
After you’ve finished the module, you will be able to assess the accuracy of your first perceptions.
This is an ungraded, but required assignment. Your journal is private and only viewable by you and your instructor.
For more information on making journal entries, go to the link Bb Tutorials / Documentation on the course menu.
Solution Preview
Importance of Engineering Ethics
Engineers see themselves as independent practitioners who have their own set of practices. They have developed a general engineering ethics to follow as part of their development.
(286 words)