Multicultural Perspectives in Human Services

Multicultural Perspectives in Human Services

Welcome to Module 7: Latino(a,e) American History and Context
This module discusses Latino(a,e) American history, gender roles, and LGBTQIA+
intersectionality, including application to human services delivery.
Latino(a,e) is used to represent Latino, Latina, and Latine individuals. While Latinx is used by
English speakers
, most Spanish speakers do not prefer or acknowledge this term. Instead,
Latino refers to people who identify as males; Latina refers to people who identify as female;
and Latine refers to people who identify as non-binary or gender fluid. Therefore, Latino(a,e)
is used in this module.
Learning Objectives
In this module, we will:
 Summarize Latino(a,e) American history as related to Mexican Americans, Puerto
Rican Americans, Cuban Americans, and Latin Americans.
 Discuss gender roles related to Latino(a,e) cultures, including concepts of marianismo,
machismo, and caballerismo. 
 Explain LGBTQIA+ Intersectionality from a Latino(a,e) American perspective.
Step-by-Step Guide
Please complete the following for this module:
Step 1:  Read Chapter 9 in your textbook. [Course Learning Objectives: 1a, 1b, 2a, 3b, 4a]
Step 2:  Please watch Gabby Rivera explain her own identity and pathways toward healing,
which culminated into the characters she created, including Marvel’s first Latina LGBTQIA+
character America in the following Ted Talk: Gabby Rivera (11:07).  [1a, 1d, 2a, 3b, 4a]
Step 3:  Complete the Module 7 Quiz, worth 20 points, which is located below. You can
complete the quiz twice and the higher score counts. [1a, 1b, 2a, 3b, 4a]
Step 4:  Complete the Module 7 Discussion, worth 30 points, which is located below. [1a, 1b,
1c, 1d, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 3c, 4a, 4b]

Module 7 Discussion
Application and Analysis (Worth 30 points)
The purpose of this discussion is twofold. First, analyzing Landmark Cases that impact
communities of color provides an opportunity to broaden the perspectives of human services
professionals. Consequently, the purpose of this portion of the assignment is to analyze a
Landmark Case that impacted Latino(a,e) Americans, including the role of justice in the case,
implications on public perception, and how the implications of the case might impact
Latino(a,e) American clients. The second purpose of this assignment is to ponder a case study
application and engage in the self-reflection that results from practicing cultural humility
while increasing cultural competencies. 
Landmark Cases:  Application and Analysis
Step 1: Consult the following list for brief summaries of Landmark Cases that directly
impacted Latino(a,e) Americans: Landmark Cases. (SEE ATTACHMENT) Either identify one
of the cases from the list, or if you prefer, you can identify a case not on the list that involved
or impacted Latino(a,e) Americans.
Step 2: Research the case, using only sources you deem credible. Thoughtfully and
thoroughly respond to the following prompts, and when appropriate, integrate relevant content
from the assigned readings or video provided thus far in our course. 
 Name and summarize the case.
Identify and explain what you perceive to be the role of justice, injustice, or partial
justice as related to the case

 Explain the implications of the case, including the impact on public perception.
Identity the systemic issues related to the case. If intersectionality of identities played
a role in the case, integrate its relevance into your response. Relevant media that you
deem credible can be integrated into your response, including podcasts, social media,
and/or shows or movies meaningful to Latino(a,e) American communities.
Imagine you are a human services provider. Explain how this case and its outcome
might impact the perspective of a Latino(a,e) American client seeking services.
Case Study: Application and Analysis

This portion of the discussion applies content learned thus far in our course to thinking
through your work with future clients. To do so, please ponder and respond to the following
case study.  
Step 3: Please read the following case study: Camila Gutiérrez Hernández.  

Client: Camila Gutiérrez Hernández
Background: Camila Gutiérrez Hernández is a 25-year-old female who recently sought
counseling. Camila identifies as Mexican and also identifies as a member of the LGBTQ+
community. She explained she came to the United States from Mexico when she was younger.
Camila expressed that her queer identity conflicts with the traditional cultural norms she was
raised with in Mexico. She shared that her family views homosexuality as sinful, and Camila
fears rejection from them if they knew she was gay. She shared that she used to feel guilty,
scared, and conflicted to have thoughts of women instead of men, and she begged God to take it
away. Now, she accepts she is gay but feels a sense of guilt and shame from hiding an important
part of her life from her family. She loves her family, and she feels like she is living a lie.

Step 4: Imagine you are Camila’s human services provider (in your particular field-of-
interest). Think through the following prompts, pondering both relevant content covered thus
far in our course and how you might handle each of the questions raised in the prompts
 How might you build a trust-based relationship with Camila? 
 Due to the traditional marianismo values of her family, how might you explore with
Camila how her identity as a Mexican gay female impacts her, including the ways in
which homosexuality is viewed by her family?
Camila shared that her family believes women are to be virtuous and chaste, subordinate to
others, self-silencing to maintain harmony, and are to glean strength from family and
 Camila explained that her beliefs differ from this part of her family’s beliefs. How
might you explore this with Camila?
 Camila came to the United States from Mexico. How might you explore with Camila
her pathway toward acculturation and/or enculturation?
Step 5: In one paragraph, describe and assess your approach in Step 4, explaining the
strengths and weaknesses of your approach. (You need not provide your responses to the four
prompts above; instead, compose a paragraph that describes your approach and assesses the
strengths and weaknesses of your approach.) 
Step 6:  Self-evaluation is an important part of building cultural competence among human
service providers. Based on you as the human services provider and Camila as your client,
ponder your response to the following questions:
In working with Camila, I:
a. feel my own identity may influence my effectiveness in working with Camila. Think
through how and why.

b. am aware of the complexities between traditional Mexican cultural values and
Camila’s intersectional identities, as well as potential acculturation and enculturation
processes that may be relevant to Camila. Ponder how you might explore these
dynamics with Camila.
c. would provide Camila with culturally responsive resources. Think about which
resources you would provide Camila and why. Consult the Module 4 Discussion which
identified resources for communities of color.
Step 7: In one paragraph, summarize what you learned from the self-evaluation portion of this
assignment (from Step 6). (You need not provide your responses to the three prompts above;
instead, compose a paragraph that summarizes your self-evaluation.)
Step 8:  Post your responses to Steps 2, 5, and 7 to the discussion forum. For your sources in
Step 2, please use APA in-text citations and APA reference page citations.
Step 9:  Reply to at least one classmate’s post with a substantive reply that integrates relevant
content from our course. Your reply should include at least one paragraph about the Landmark
Case identified by your classmate, and your reply should also include at least one paragraph
that provides constructive, positive feedback to your classmate’s approach working with the
client in the case study. If you located a resource you think would be helpful to your
classmate, please include it and explain how the resource has been helpful to you.

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