My topic is about Director: Francis Ford Coppola 
FINAL PROJECT: Your assignment is to write a 5-7 page research paper on one of the following: (a) an important film director, (b) a specific film, or (c) the development of a particular element of film making. The description of each of these options is below.
Description of Project
(a) You should select a director who was active (directed more than 3 movies) during the time period of 1950 – 2000. In your term paper, give me the basic details of the director’s life and career. Identify some of the director’s most important films. What honors and awards did the director receive? Provide a sampling of critical opinion about the director’s work (i.e. film reviews or articles). View at least two films by your director and comment on them (one of them can be a film you would have watch previously for the class). Do not summarize any plots. Write about how this director used the following in these films: Editing (montage), Sound and Music, Cinematography, Special Camera Work (steady cam, hand held, optical effects), Special Effects (this can include stunt work).
(b) Select one film of feature length made during the time period of 1970 – 2000. You are not to use a film already used by you, the instructor or the course content. In your term paper, you should present information about the making of the movie, about its success at the box office, about awards it was nominated for and/or received. Also present a sampling of the critical reaction to the film, from both the time of its release and later. Finally, you should watch the film and react to it. Do not summarize the plot. Assume that I’ve already seen the film. In addition, write about how this director used the following in these films: Editing (montage), Sound and Music, Cinematography, Special Camera Work (steady cam, hand held, optical effects), Special Effects (this can include stunt work).
(c) This option is more of a research option that the other two. You are to take a topic or item with in an element of film making and write a short research paper on its development. For example, if you want to write about camera development, take a more focused part of that broader topic such as the steady cam and use that as your subject. You do not need to get too technical in your paper. Some broader topics include: Camera Development, Projection and Viewing in Theaters, Film, Special Effects, Director Training, Actor Training, and Editing.
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Francis Ford Coppola- The Godfather
Francis Ford Coppola was born on 7th April 1939 in Detroit, Michigan. He is the son of Carmine Coppola, a late flutist. Maybe, Francis got his artistic talents from his family bloodline as inherited from his father. Francis Coppola is recognized as one of the leading directors of the 20th century in the ’60s. His artistry was manifested after he got bedridden as a young child after he entangled with polio, a rampant disease of those times. Francis Coppola developed the abilities to entertain himself using puppets through those long days he spent homesick. Francis Coppola developed interests in film making after that solitary experience thanks to polio and when he grew up, he joined Hofstra University where he studied film production (Francis Ford Coppola Bibliography 2014).
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