CW: Debate summary reflection
Style | MLA |
Number of words | 658 |
Number of sources | 0 |
Spacing | Double |
PowerPoint slides | 0 |
Write all like a brief summary and reflection
1, what was your argument?
See my ppt& transcript
2, To what extent did the other team counter this?
See ppt 2
3, What have you learned since the debate and how has this affected your view?
I have learned a lot from the other team’s argument like….
4, Did you change your mind as a result of the debate?
No, I didn’t change my mind as a result of the debate because the opposite team didn’t provide enough evidence to change my mind.
5, What was the experience like for you?
It was a good experience, but we have to do it online this year due to the covid19 and that was the hardest of all, and it was only voice presentation & I had a network issue that was hard to fix quickly and my mic wasn’t working properly, but did manage to finish my presentation.
6.What went well and what might be able to do to improve performance in the future?
The PowerPoint presentation was good, but I wasn’t a good speaker at all I was reading most of the debate presentation instead of debating, so I have to improve my debate performance as English is not my first language am still struggling when it comes to speaking and writing. Nevertheless, I will do my best to improve it for the future.
7.Overall, how well do you feel you contributed to participation in discussions on other debates?
As I mentioned earlier I had a connection issue and my mic wasn’t working properly. Other than that I did manage to participate in the discussion which was good & I learn a lot from each team.