What do you feel passionate about that you would advocate for?
1-2 page APA paper
The nursing organization that I chose is the emergency nurses association.
Find the advocacy section & list the main goals/topics this organization advocates for
Hint: you might find a legislative agenda section or policy section
- If there are no outright stated goals, review the list of topics that this organization advocates for currently & past topics.
- If there is no advocacy or legislative section, list the organization’s main goals.
- Do you agree with the goals?
- Are they something you would advocate for? Why or why not?
- Suggest another goal for this organization.
- What nursing organizations (if any) would you be interested in joining?
- What do you feel passionate about that you would advocate for? (can be related to nursing or not. For example, lobbying for a new highway. )
- If you have done any advocacy, for what causes?
- Please document the URL links to the organization’s website.
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453 words