Option #1: Employment Laws and Topics

Option #1: Employment Laws and Topics

First, choose two of the following important employment laws that impact a unionized workplace, that interest you the most.

The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)
The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (choose this one)
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (choose this one)
The Age Discrimination and Employment Act (ADEA)
Right-to-Work Law (RTW)
For both laws you selected:

Provide a summary of key features of the law; and,
Describe how the law impacts the unionized workplace in terms of recruiting, selection, compensation, promotions/terminations, performance management, employee/labor relations, communication, and/or training and development.
Next, select twoemployment/labor relations topics that interest you the most from the following list, and conduct research on these topics as they relate to a unionized work environment.

Drug/alcohol testing
Seniority rights
Right-to-work (choose this one)
Union grievances
Strikes and picketing
Unfair labor practices (choose this one)
Mandatory and permissive subjects of bargaining
For both employment/labor relations topics you selected:

Describe the challenges related to this labor relations issue on organizational effectiveness and union-management relationships within the workplace; and,
Based on your research, explain your recommendations to manage those challenges effectively within the unionized workplace.
Structural Requirements

Organize your paper using the following structure and sections headers:

Title Page (include the option number with assignment title)
Main Paper
Section 1—Introduction. In this section, describe (1) the purpose of the paper, and (2) the upcoming sections of the paper.
Section 2—Summary and Impact of Employment Law #1. In this section, (1) provide a summary of key features of the law, and (2) describe how the law impacts the unionized workplace in terms of recruiting, selection, compensation, promotions/terminations, performance management, employee/labor relations, communication, and/or training and development.
Section 3—Summary and Impact of Employment Law #2. In this section, (1) provide a summary of key features of the law, and (2) describe how the law impacts the unionized workplace in terms of recruiting, selection, compensation, promotions/terminations, performance management, employee/labor relations, communication, and/or training and development.
Section 4—Challenges and Recommendations for Labor Relations Topic #1. In this section, (1) describe the challenges related to this labor relations issue on organizational effectiveness and union-management relationships within the workplace, and (2) based on your research, explain your recommendations to manage those challenges effectively within the unionized workplace.
Section 5—Challenges and Recommendations for Labor Relations Topic #2. In this section, (1) describe the challenges related to this labor relations issue on organizational effectiveness and union-management relationships within the workplace, and (2) based on your research, explain your recommendations to manage those challenges effectively within the unionized workplace.
Section 6—Conclusion. In this section, provide a brief summary of, (1) your lessons learned, and (2) the reasons these topics are important for effective human resources management in unionized organizations.
Reference Page
Additional Requirements

A minimum of eight full pages not including title page, table of contents, reference page, or appendices.
A minimum of five scholarly/peer-reviewed resources.
Properly format your paper utilizing APA guidelines and formatting, according to theCSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA.




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Section One: Introduction
Employment laws are highly significant in America since the set laws will help ensure that the employees have been protected from any wrongdoings that they will experience from their employers as well as the unions representing them. The purpose of this paper will be to highlight the critical features of the two essential employment laws in the country, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The first section of the essay will focus on the introduction of what will be discussed in the paper as well as the purpose of the essay.

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