You have to record you presentation and upload it to the assignment named “video upload”

You have to record you presentation and upload it to the assignment named “video upload”

A 10 minute presentation on the research paper is required along with a formal outline and a video recording . You have to record you presentation and upload it to the assignment named “video upload”

Part One: This part of the assignment consists of submitting a formal outline of your presentation and the presentation. Your submission is done HERE, under this rubric. Check out this examplePreview the document of an outline. Again, there are two things to upload: the outline and the presentation as if you were to present in a physical classroom.

6-8 slides

In each slide in the notes do say what i need to say out loud when i present

please fill out the speaking outline form attached here

400 Level Grading Rubric: Oral Communication v2018

Criteria Ratings
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormal Outline: Submitted by due date • Proper outline format including APA citations • Includes all pertinent informationthreshold: 6.95 pts

9.09 ptsExcellent

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpeaking Outline: Used when giving presentation • Proper outline format according to student’s individual level • Aids student in presenting speechthreshold: 6.95 pts

9.09 ptsExcellent

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTime: Meets time criteria for assignment • Effective use of time; appropriate balance of sectionsthreshold: 6.95 pts

9.09 ptsExcellent

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent Area (added by Instructor)threshold: 6.95 pts

9.09 ptsExcellent

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction: Attention getter – first statement (student does NOT begin speech with name/ title) • Thesis • Credibility/ goodwill statements • Transition into bodythreshold: 6.95 pts

9.09 ptsExcellent

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStructure: Clear and well supported main points, with fluid transitionsthreshold: 6.95 pts

9.09 ptsExcellent

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion: Signaled end of speech (student does NOT say ‘in conclusion’) • Summarized most important content • Provided definitive, memorable final statement (does not say “these are my references”)threshold: 6.95 pts

9.09 ptsExcellent

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVerbal Messages: Proper usage of voice rate, expressiveness/ pitch, intensity/volume and conversational tone with audience • Proper word choice, limited verbal fillersthreshold: 6.95 pts

9.09 ptsExcellent

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNonverbal Messages: Proper nonverbal messages including eye contact, use of note cards, lectern and floor use, physical appearance, facial expressions and gesturesthreshold: 6.95 pts

9.09 ptsExcellent

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTechnological Component: Uses essential text only, professional in design, no distractions by way of font, graphics or special effects, fluid and well integrated with spoken wordthreshold: 6.95 pts

9.09 ptsExcellent

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDocumentation: Proper style format and citations • Used proper number of sources and citationsthreshold: 6.96 pts

9.1 ptsExcellent

Total Points: 100.0



Image preview for you have to record you presentation and upload it to the assignment named “video upload”

You have to record you presentation and upload it to the assignment named video upload


253 words

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