Elaborate on the implications of the following statement using Ch 11 & MacroMicro article

Workplace Culture

Style APA
Number of words 646
Number of sources 3
Spacing Double
PowerPoint slides 0


Elaborate on the implications of the following statement using Ch 11 & MacroMicro article: “Ecologizing occurs through managing the macro-and micro-environment values as one culture or organization is embedded with a higher (macro) culture/organization. However, sometimes what is good for the “goose” (micro) is not good for the gander (macro) as the values may not align.”

• Q2. (250-300 words)

Elaborate on the implications of the following statement using Toxic article: “Within a toxic culture, and simply not a well-defined culture that lacks the successful indicators, organizational change will be much rockier.

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Elaborate on the implications of the following statement using Ch 11 & MacroMicro article

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