You’re the architecture critic for the Chicago Tribune.

Part 1

You’re the architecture critic for the Chicago Tribune.

Choose one of the following buildings:

Bertrand Goldberg, Raymond Hilliard Homes (1966)
John Moutoussamy, Johnson Publishing Building (1971)
Federal Center, Mies van der Rohe (1958–74)
Stanley Tigerman, Anti-Cruelty Society (1981)
Kenzo Tange, American Medical Association Headquarters (1996)
Jeanne Gang, Aqua Tower (2010)

Write a 1,500-word review of the building just after it opened (so pretend you’ve traveled back in time). Include and caption five images.

Your review should:

Describe and analyze the building’s form and organization
Contextualize (architect, site, time), compare (to other projects), connect (to society, larger social issues or ideas)
Update, April 19: Please include a “works cited” list separate from the review (on another page) that includes any sources for information that is not widely available that you relied on upon in writing.

A few tips: You should have a point of view, but don’t make it personal. What you like or don’t like matters only in the context of a larger argument you want to make. Remember your audience—this is a public newspaper. What would they be worrying or caring about at this moment? What are they looking for from a critique of architecture (compared with a restaurant they might go to or a movie they might see)?

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You’re the architecture critic for the Chicago Tribune.


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