Two of the most relevant organizational theories for social workers are Theory X and Theory Y.

Todd assignment

Textbook: Zastrow, C., & Hessenauer, S. L. (2019). Social work with groups: Comprehensive practice and self-care.

Background Information

Several models of organizations are described, including autocratic, custodial, scientific management, human relations, Theory X and Theory Y, collegial, Theory Z, management by objectives, and total quality management.

Two of the most relevant organizational theories for social workers are Theory X and Theory Y. It is critical for newly hired social workers in an organization to determine if supervisors believe in a Theory X or Theory Y style of management, as it will assist workers in determining their roles in how to survive and thrive. Theory Y and servant leadership are closely related.


Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.

Select a community social service agency that you are familiar with to review and describe using the following questions:

What is the agency’s mission statement?
What are its clients’ major problems?
What services does the agency provide?
How are client needs determined?
What percentages of clients are people of color, women, gays or lesbians, elderly, or members of other at-risk populations?
What is the organizational structure of the agency? Use your textbook to identify one Model of Organization to identify and support your choice.
Using theory x and theory y from your text, what is the type of leadership used in the agency? Use agency examples to demonstrate the theory as outlined in the text.
Use in-text citations and APA format for references.

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Two of the most relevant organizational theories for social workers are Theory X and Theory Y.


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