peer review 4
Political Science
i need you to write a review of my friend’s paper kevin ( i will attched kevin’s paper , and a sample of how to write reviw paper ) the paper must be in 3 pages
write his research question in your own words
his hypothesis in your own words
independent variable in your own words
defendant variable in your own words
Please include some specific suggestions for how Kevin can improve the way he defines and measures his independent and dependent variables.
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Peer Review: Kelvin
Research Question: Is economic growth of a nation depended on its democratic strategies?
Hypothesis: The more democratic nations are signified by better economic growth and advancement compared to the non-democracies which exhibit a less development in their economy.
Your hypothesis is well done following the explanation is given on how you will test these assumptions. First of all, you have included other variables that could affect the economic growth of a nation including location, natural resources, population and many others.
(841 words)