Is the philosophy of action preached in the Bhagavad Gita Kantian in spirit?

Is the philosophy of action preached in the Bhagavad Gita Kantian in spirit?

Third Paper Assignment

Read both chapter II (47-49) and chapter III (9-18) of the Bhagavad Gita. Read also chapter III (19-20 & 25-26). Write a paper on the topic described below. Be sure to address each of the specific questions and issues listed below. Chapters are denoted, for example, by II, III, meaning chapters two and three, whereas numbers like 47-49 represent verse numbers. For example, “II (47-49)” means verses 47 to 49 from chapter II.

Your paper should be about 2-3 pages. It must be typewritten or computer-printed.
Your paper is due in accordance with your drop- box date. Late papers will not be accepted and will get no credit.



(a) Both on chapter II (47-49) and chapter III (9-18), Shri Krishna explains to Arjuna what is selfless action*. Discuss selfless action from the Gita.

(b) In chapter III (19-29 & 25-26), Shri Krishna explains that the great persons work for the “maintenance of the world.” What does Shri Krishna mean by the expression
“maintenance of the world?” What kind of action Shri Krishna has in mind when he cited these passages to Arjuna?

(c) Compare the main themes of the passages referred to in (a) and in (b). Is the philosophy of action preached in the Bhagavad Gita Kantian in spirit? Discuss.

* Selfless action is the action that we do when we discharge your duty to others irrespective of its consequences.


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Is the philosophy of action preached in the Bhagavad Gita Kantian in spirit


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