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For this lab, you will need to go to one of the public planetariums available in Atlanta. If you are not working on this lab in the Atlanta Metro Area you may visit a suitable planetarium in your vicinity instead. The following information may be helpful in planning a trip. If a visit of a real planetarium is not feasible you may alternatively use the YouTube Planetarium Videos listed at the bottom.
Visit the web site of the following planetaria for their most recent schedules! :
The Bradley Observatory and Planetarium at Agnes Scott College. Depending on the schedule and weather condition on the same trip you might be able to also do the observing session assignment lab (be sure to bring the appropriate pages of the laboratory textbook and fill in all the blanks, see instructions for observing session lab)
The Fernbank planetarium: Consult their web page for a schedule of shows and directions. (Depending on the schedule and weather condition on the same trip you might be able to also do the observing session assignment lab (be sure to bring the appropriate pages of the laboratory textbook and fill in all the blanks, see instructions for observing session lab) – Comprehensive list of YouTube videos by the Houston Museum of Natural Science. Be sure to pick an astronomical topic of full length > 20 minutes – with “Burke Baker Planetarium at HMNS” in the title. – Comprehensive list of YouTube videos by explanetarium’s channel. Be sure to pick an astronomical topic of full length > 20 minutes – with “(full dome)” in the title. – Comprehensive list of virtual planetarium shows developed by Clark Planetarium in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Format: After completing the planetarium session, you must write a report. The report should include a 1 – 2 page summary of the planetarium show including a discussion of the astronomy topics covered. The report should also include a 1 page discussion of planetariums–what they are and how they work including the TECHNOLOGY and HISTORY of planetaria. The report will be graded for both content and grammar. The report should be at least 2 – 3 pages long. You must use 10 or 12 pitch type of a common font such as Times Roman or Arial, double spaced. Your margins should be 1 – 1.5 inches. If you go with the default settings of a word processor you will be fine.
Solution Preview
The video, The Great Planet Adventures, is a planetarium session explaining the solar system, mainly focusing on the planets mentioning some of their moons. Astrologers who have ventured into the planets have made colonies on the planets or on their moons to study if the inhabitation of humankind is possible there. The purpose of this exploration and research is to ensure the survival of human beings.
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