pol sc 1 film review
1. Develop a thesis statement pertaining to the assigned film text and whether or not it, the film, in your view has the power to transform one’s political sensibilities. Your argument should express your point of view regarding the politics of difference, political sensibilities, and political transformation(s) as related to the film. Remember, you’re writing (developing) an analytical essay. Submit your thesis statement in the box located to the right. Be sure to proofread your work.
2. Develop three (3) topic sentences that articulate the major ideas that will comprise the body of your essay. Remember that your topic sentences should clearly state the argument or point to be made in the respective paragraphs and must map back to your thesis statement. Submit your topic sentences in the box located to the right. Be sure to proofread your work.
3. Identify three (3) scenes from the film that support your thesis statement. Briefly explain your choices of scenes and how the scenes specifically support your thesis statement. Also, provide the exact time the scenes begin and end within the film text. Submit your reply in the box located to the right. Be sure to proofread your work.
4. Lastly, fully develop your introductory paragraph. Remember that the best possible thesis will answer some specific question about the text. In this case a question related to the film’s power to transform political sensibilities regarding difference. Your thesis statement should appear parenthetically within the paragraph you present. Submit your answer in the box located to the right. Be sure to proofread your work.
5. Using proper MLA bibliographic formatting, cite the film it self not the source.
The name of the film is called “In LA my own private Idaho”. It is a separate 5 questions, not an essay.
Assignment Objectives: Enhance and/or improve critical thinking and media literacy skills by:
1. Developing a clear and concise thesis statement (an argument) in response to the
following question: Does the film have the power to transform political sensibilities?
2. Writing an outline for a five paragraph analytical essay building on a clear and
concise thesis statement, including topic sentences and secondary supports.
3. Identifying and explaining three scenes from the film text in support of the thesis
4. Writing an introductory paragraph for the outlined analytical essay
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Dramatization blossoms with the shortcomings of its characters, yet what would we be able to make of a saint who experiences narcolepsy? At correctly those minutes when he is called to adapt to present circumstances, he rests. He misses the greater part of the significant advancements in his very own life, and must rely upon the graciousness of outsiders even to haul him out of the widely appealing.
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