Your task is to describe the tragedy that unfolds in the play: what happens?
just read the chapters answer the question, 300-500 words
edipus the King is a *tragic* drama–a story of tragedy. Your task is to describe the tragedy that unfolds in the play: what happens? who’s involved? what makes the situation tragic? In class this week we will discuss four contending theories of tragedy and consider their implications for politics. If you have space remaining in your answer, you may wish to reflect on how the two most common theories of tragedy–1. tragedy is predestined by fate; 2. tragedy is the result of human arrogance or hubris–lead us to think about political action. Note: this second part of the prompt is optional; you are not required to include it in order to receive full credit
Image preview for your task is to describe the tragedy that unfolds in the play: what happens?
538 words