Population Dynamics

Population Dynamics


An overview of the social problem of interest.
Statement of Problem

A statement of the essential question of your study.
Literature Review: A review of the literature (peer reviewed journal articles) you have read cited according the APA manual.
Theory: The theory you have chosen and the explanation of the social problem using said theory.
Hypotheses: Four core questions you can answer after reading the literature. Stated in the form of research hypotheses.
Methodology: All classes–describe a Meta-Analysis as related to your Research Project Paper topic.
Methodology and Statistics classes ONLY: You must reference the class lecture on the completion standards for this
Findings: A listing of the answers to the four hypotheses cited according to the APA manual.
Methodology and Statistics classes ONLY: You must reference the class lecture on the completion standards for this
Discussion: Discuss the implications and ramifications of the Findings using the theory discussed in the Theory section of the paper.
Conclusion: Summary of the implications for the field.
References: All references in the paper must be referenced according to the APA manual specified above.

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