I am attached the project. I already did it but now I need the answers in paragraph form, like an essay. We are only doing part 1 for now. I have attached my friends work so you can se what to do and borrow some ideas as well, the ones that I left out.
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Fire Extinguishing System to protect the parts cleaning the Dip Tank
Fire extinguishing system agent: The agent of use in the cleaning Dip Tank is the dry chemical (CO2) carbon dioxide that is efficient for extinguishing fire involving flammable substances/liquids.
References: The references that were used include NAFPA 17, Standard for Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems and ANSI/UL 1254, Pre-engineered Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems Units, provide specific requirements.
Fire extinguishing system type: This will be a high pressure system fitted with a local application that discharges automatically based on a response to smoke. Besides, it can be discharged manually.
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