Explain whether or not you believe a mixed-methods design is called for to research this topic.

Topic: Reply to Colleague Sierra R post AshCL8WK5D1-1

Style APA
Number of words 380
Number of sources 1
Spacing Double
PowerPoint slides 0


Details: Please read Colleague Sierra R’s post to week 5 discussion 1 (Colleague Sierra R’s post to week 5 discussion 1 post is attached). Please provide a reply to Colleague Sierra R post following the below instructions when formulating your response to Colleague Sierra R post to week 5 discussion 1:
Comment on the suitability of your peer’s explanation(s) of her topic with regard to research design. Regardless of your peer’s choice of design, explain whether or not you believe a mixed-methods design is called for to research this topic. If your peer has chosen a mixed-methods design, explain whether or not you believe it is the most appropriate mixed methods design to address the research question. Identify other design option(s), besides the one you selected for your own post, you would recommend studying the proposed research question. Review the ethical issues your colleague raised in her post and suggest other issues which she should consider when conducting this research.

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Explain whether or not you believe a mixed-methods design is called for to research this topic.

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