How realistically is the disorder represented based on the knowledge you have acquired?

Respond/Feedback to 2 discussion posts & 1 discussion post

Style APA
Number of words 673
Number of sources 0
Spacing Double
PowerPoint slides 0


Your responses have no specific length requirements, but you need to refer to something in the student’s post, showing that you read it (something like “I agree” or “Interesting!” is not enough for the points). If you respond to a student that initially responded to you, that also counts as one of your responses (the idea is obviously to generate discussion here)

1. A) In the circumstance that a stranger is in need of help, I believe that I would be reluctant to directly involve myself in most scenarios, mainly out of paranoia. I know many people that have been ‘baited’ into helping strangers that were seemingly in distress, but it was actually a tactic to rob or harm the trusting individual who simply wanted to help. When I was in elementary school and was walking home after class with my friend, an older man asked us to help hand him tools while he was fixing his car. When we stupidly did so, it quickly got scary and bizarre. After hearing of other people’s stories and experiencing this myself as a young girl, I’m definitely more hesitant to help strangers. Therefore, the factor that influences my response to a stranger in need would then be my perception of the person in need, thinking they may potentially be dangerous, and my mood, which would usually be fearful. However, I am never hesitant to contact emergency responders in any scenario where an individual seems to need help, such as when I heard violent screaming in the middle of the night in my neighborhood. The police never figured out what it was, but I believe that having someone investigate is always worth it. So to conclude, I am very unlikely to directly involve myself in scenarios where a person may need help, but I have always contacted people that are more equipped at handling the situation, regardless of if there are other people present or not. I learned about the bystander effect in 5th grade and I knew that I did not want to be a part of that.

B) Most obviously, the current COVID-19 pandemic is heavily affected by people’s conformity and obedience to safety measures, such as social distancing and wearing masks. Conformity is when people change their beliefs and behaviors to match the beliefs and behaviors of others. Those who refuse to conform to the opinions and behaviors of those who are taking the pandemic seriously, may be jeopardizing others and causing a surge in cases.

Obedience is following through with a certain behavior in accordance to a command. The pandemic is reliant on people’s obedience or disobedience towards safety precautions. For example, in Canada, many people refused to be obedient to social distancing rules and continued to have large thanksgiving get-togethers (as their thanksgiving occurred early in October). As a result, COVID cases increased dramatically. Those who are obedient to the preventative suggestions may help cases decrease or at least stay stagnant.

2. A) I am mostly very ambivalent about helping strangers, unless it’s an obvious health related issue. I suppose this consideration evolved from a common stereotype that was carried on and passed to me by my parent, who grew up in Soviet Union. Back in the days Soviet propaganda nurtured the Timurite movement, which was widely promoted as a part of Little Octobrists and Young Pioneer youth organizations. The name Timurite referred to a person, usually of a younger age, who did all kinds of unskilled labor and volunteered their time to help people in need within community. Initially they helped soldiers and their families during the WWII, but later after the war and up until the end of USSR the movement grew into the other aspects of social life. However, my generation experienced this cultural phenomenon in a new form that partially transformed into helping veterans and older people, who struggle with some daily tasks due to the burden of age. Age became the key factor that rationalized my response to strangers in need, of course, with certain exceptions, as with age my ambivalence mainly started to derive and my perception and mood became the actual triggers.

B) During the last few months of the pre-election a very social concept became very obvious to me, which involves both parties. In-group and out-group demarcation is hurting community on many different levels, and such segregation involves prejudice, conformity, cognitive dissonance and the rest few social factors we learned in Chapter 11. Political agendas are strong and they leave almost no space for deviation, which might as well loosen up the tension, although it appears hardly believable that politics would ever be unbiased. However, I suppose having more options might reduce the direct impact of such social aspects as conformity and prejudice, it might as well just increase them in numbers too.



Your reflection post needs to be at least 10 full sentences; there is no maximum limit
Your post must be written in your own words
This assignment asks you to identify a source which is a creative work (movie, book, etc.) Give identifying information about the source, but you don’t need to use APA format to refer to it. However, you also need to refer to an academic source that discusses the disorder. Cite that source with APA format. The academic source could be our textbook or some other reliable source.

1. Find a creative work that portrays at least one psychological disorder. There are many different options for the types of creative work you could choose to analyze: movies, TV series, documentaries, plays, non-academic books, video games, podcasts, etc.

The requirement is that whatever you choose, it is a non-academic creative/informational source that is intended for the general public (not a peer-reviewed academic source such as a professional journal article, or an academic textbook).

Some example psychological disorders you might encounter in various creative works: schizophrenia, antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, dissociative identity disorder, phobia, OCD, PTSD, generalized anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, anorexia, etc.

You also need to also find and refer to at least one academic source besides the creative work itself in evaluating the disorder portrayal. The source can be our textbook and/or any other reliable source. Cite the academic source with APA format in-text citations and an APA format reference list.

Once you have identified a creative work, do the following:

1. Briefly describe the main events and/or idea of the creative work (movie/series/book/game/podcast etc). This does not have to be a detailed plot description, and please no spoilers of critical events. If a spoiler is essential for discussing the psychological disorder(s), please include a spoiler warning for students who don’t want the critical events to be revealed to them. Also provide some relevant general information about the creative work that can help others find this source if they’d like to check it out (e.g. year, director, country of origin, possibly some names of actors or characters, theater name for a play, website link, etc.) Feel free to also recommend or not recommend the creative work if you wish.

2. Identify the psychological disorder(s) portrayed in the creative work and critically evaluate the portrayal of the disorder(s). Based on what you learn from the textbook or from other reliable sources, how accurately is the disorder portrayed? Describe the official diagnosis and typical symptoms of the disorder, and then compare them to the portrayal in the creative work. How realistically is the disorder represented based on the knowledge you have acquired? What improvements and/or clarifications related to the portrayal should be made in the creative work, if any?

By the way, the creative work does not need to explicitly discuss the disorder by name; if you can justifiably argue and present evidence that a character might have a psychological disorder based on how they act/think/feel, that’s acceptable. However, your analysis must be based on real information about the symptoms/diagnosis of disorders, and you must be able to point out some examples of behavior/thinking by the character that demonstrates a possible disorder diagnosis.

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