For instance, how stable is personality over time and across situations?
Erikson contended that adolescent identity formation (which continues into adulthood) is followed in young adulthood by a developing capacity for intimacy, the ability to form emotionally close relationships. When Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi [chick-SENT-me-hi] and Jeremy Hunter (2003) used a beeper to sample the daily experiences of American teens, they found them unhappiest when alone and happiest when with friends. Romantic relationships, which tend to be emotionally intense, are reported by some two in three North American 17-year-olds, but fewer among those in collectivist countries such as China (W. A. Collins et al., 2009; Z. H. Li et al., 2010). Those who enjoy high-quality (intimate, supportive) relationships with family and friends tend also to enjoy similarly high-quality romantic relationships in adolescence, which set the stage for healthy adult relationships. Such relationships are, for most of us, a source of great pleasure.
Details: Development through the life span is a long journey, and too often, we forget to notice the connections from one point in development to another. For instance, how stable is personality over time and across situations?
Some researchers suggest that personality traits identified early in life can be used to predict behaviors. Others indicated that personality characteristics change as a result of relationships and experiences. At the same time, the way we adapt to aging may also influence personality development.
One of the most influential theories of socioemotional development comes from Erik Erikson (1902–1994). According to Erikson, human development is marked by eight psychosocial stages (Table 3, p. 3.6 in your web text). Each of these stages is characterized by a developmental task or an emotional crisis that must be handled successfully to allow healthy psychological growth.
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