Written report to client
I need conclusions and recommendation based upon the research I have done (see attached work document) .
When making the recommendations be sure to include
1. Recommendation based upon the current climate ( Covid-19 Situation)
2. Recommendations based up upon if covid-19 was not going on right now
When doing the conclusion be sure to include
1. A quick brief/Overview of the main points and topics
I did a general research in the Romulus, Michigan area that Special tree wants to open up a new facility. The owner wanted to compare and contrast from competitors around that area. He currently owns: Specialtree https://www.specialtree.com/
Now our team have to complete another assignment based upon the research we have done over the past weeks.
“Written report to client”
Execute summary
Table of contents
Description of the clients business
Industry analysis
Project description, process and analysis of the business problem
Conclusion and recommendations
Appendices with key date, financial projects etc
Each section of the plan should include adequate data and cited sources to be credible.
Image preview for recommendation based upon the current climate ( Covid-19 Situation)
2792 words