Research Methods and Evidence Based Practice for Nursing Education

Research Methods and Evidence Based Practice for Nursing Education

Assignment Title: Sampling Methods
Step 3 for your Evidence-Based Practice Mini-Project (Nursing Education)
Assignment Overview:
For your Research Proposal Step 3, you will submit your target population listed and a clearly stated and though description of your study population with scholarly sources. There is a sampling plan that identifies the sampling method. There is a clear and thorough description of the sample. There is a precise procedure detailing how participants will be selected. There is a thorough description of the research setting, and a detailed description of the recruitment plan. There is a clear and thorough description of all ethical considerations related to your mini-research project.
The final copy of your Step 3 Research Proposal assignment is on or before Sunday at 11:59pm just before Week 4 begins at the latest. Be p
Assignment Details:
For this assignment, you will write part of Step 3 of your Research Proposal. Use the discernment
gained from your Human Subjects Certificate Discussion Board regarding ethical considerations for your own EBP Proposal.
Sampling Plan: Describe your sampling plan that identifies the sampling method you will utilize. Describe your sample in detail.
Research Setting: Describe your research setting. For example, is your setting where you work?
Recruitment Plan: Describe your recruitment plan in detail.
Ethical Considerations: Describe whether your EBP Proposal could go through an expedited IRB approval. Why or why not?
Note: In your Step 3 state what instrument you will be using for your EBP proposal.

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