Medical Surgical Nursing

Medical Surgical Nursing

Medical Surgical Nursing

Details: End of life Discussion Forum
See the instructions in the file below the assignment.
Initial Post
Responses (2)
Although this does include opinion, please include the resources you used to understand the factual questions.

If it does require you to use resources, be sure to use APA citations in your text. You do not have to put a title page or use APA formatting in the response other than for references. The discussion forums do not lend themselves to formatting.
Initial Posts should be 250-500 words and responses 150-200 words.
Each student is required to post an initial post and each student must respond to two other students by Tuesday night (2359)

Discussion Board Rubric
Criteria for Posting Met Criteria Incomplete Did not meet criteria
Initial Post met deadline (Sunday 2359) 2 1 0
Initial Post addressed topic posted by instructor 2 1 0
Initial Post supported by:
Reading and study materials
Good examples
Thoughtful analysis 2 1 0
Response Posts met deadline (2 posts by Wednesday 0900) 4 2 0
Response adds to discussion and moves conversation forward 4 2 0
Posts grammatically correct, without spelling errors 2 1 0
Appropriate APA citation/references if appropriate 2 or N/A 1 0
Total Points 18
10 if no response required 9
5 if no response required 0

What it means to be substantive
When you participate in Discussions whether they be email, chat, or forum sessions, remember that your responses must be BRIEF BUT SUBSTANTIVE to get credit.
Your responses should —
• Greet a specific student or a group of fellow students by name.
• Briefly remind us of what he, she, or they said with a very short summary of the idea they presented.
• Include detail from our text and common reading as evidence for what you have to say (Remember that others will need to draw on our readings, too, so only use just enough information from our readings to make your point clearly).
• Add new information to the conversation (we don’t want to be reading the same thing over and over).
• Use class vocabulary [either common or technical vocabulary or both].
• Clearly identify the source of information and evidence that you do use.
• Be free of major grammatical errors and very coherent (easily and quickly understood and without contradictions).


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Medical Surgical Nursing


694 words

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