seeking an investment for your business or product you’ve developed.

 Seeking an investment for your business or product you’ve developed

  • Prepare individual presentations e.g. in PowerPoint and prepare approximately 10 slides (see points below). Attach your PowerPoint presentation to the Discussion for the sharks to review.
  • Pitch “shark” investors (aka your classmates) your idea
  • Entrepreneurs/Presenters: You are seeking investment for your business or product you’ve developed. Pitch to the “sharks” and convince them to invest in your product.
  • Sharks: You are welcome to find weaknesses and faults in an entrepreneur’s concept, product, or business model. Or you may choose to invest in their business/product.
  • Make sure this presentation is all-encompassing. Here are points to think about. Each point should have its own slide.
    • What is your Product?
    • What is the Investment you’re seeking (dollar amount and ownership stake)?
    • Why is your product Important? i.e. why is there a need for your product?
    • What is your Solution? i.e what is the purpose of your product?
    • How does your product Work? i.e. what does it do?
    • Why your Target Market should buy your product? i.e. what are your product’s benefits?
    • How much does it Cost? How much do you sell it for? i.e. show the sharks how much profit is in each product.
    • What are your Sales Trend over the last 3 years with a projection for sales for next year? e.g. show a bar chart of your sales over that 4-year period.
    • In which economic Market Model does your product fit and explain why? How will you Market your product? i.e how/where do you sell?
    • Why do you need the Investment? And Close the deal!!!

Responses: As Sharks, please reply to 2 of your classmates’ Shark Tank presentations. Sharks: You are welcome to find weaknesses and faults in an entrepreneur’s concept, product, or business model. Or you may choose to invest in their business/product. Explain why or why not?

Presentation: Your presentation and your PowerPoint slides are being graded in this Final Discussion.

Remember – this is your shot! Your one-time to pitch to the sharks!! Make your presentation impressive. Include images, pictures, diagrams, logo’s, charts, etc. You should have 10 slides (i.e. one slide for each point listed above), so you will have space to include and impress with your slides.

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