Topic 1: Structural Theory of Gender

OverviewRisman (2004) argues that gender is embedded in all social institutions. In this paper you will analyze an institution that you belong to using Risman’s characteristics of a structure.


  • Minimum 2,000 words
  • Cite at least three of our course materials in-text in ASA style
    • One can be Risman (2004)
    • Only one source can be a mini-lecture video
    • Do not use any outside sources

Note on Choosing an Institution:

  • Any institution/organization is open to analyze EXCEPT your family or marriage
  • You must choose an institution or organization that you know a lot about that enables you to answer all of the questions related to Risman’s characteristics of a structure as it relates to gender.
    • If you do not want to use the real name of the institution (if it is your job, for example), feel free to make up a name.
  • Please contact me if you are unsure if your institution would be a good one to analyze for this paper.

Paper Sections:

  1. Background: (10%)
    • Describe the institution
      • What is your relationship to the institution?
      • Why did you choose this institution to analyze?
  2. Analyze the institution using Risman’s characteristics of a structure: (70%)

* This section is where you should cite the three course materials.

    • Constituted by Individuals
    • Distinct Social Practices (Rules, Norms)
    • Constrains and Facilitates Behavior
    • Includes a Legitimating Ideology
    • Internalized as Identities and Selves
    • Organized and Permeated with Power
    • Subject to Change

Note: Each of the aspects above should be analyzed explicitly in relation to gender. For example, an institution may have a variety of underlying ideologies, but in your opinion, what ideologies exist in the institution as it relates to gender specifically?

3. Personal Reaction/Conclusion: (10%)

4. Word Count (2.5%)

5. Style/Grammar (2.5%)

6. Cite course materials in-text in ASA style (5%) 

Topic 2: Life History of Gender

Overview: In this paper, you will interview someone of a different generation than you about the ways that specific institutions shaped their understanding of gender. You must choose at least two of the following institutions to analyze: marriage, family, education, work, religion, social movements. I am open to other institutions, but please email me if you want to choose another institution with your idea of how you will connect it to our course materials.


  • Minimum 2,000 words
  • Cite at least three of our course materials in-text in ASA style (only one can be a mini-lecture video)
    • Do not use any outside sources

Notes on Conducting an Interview:

  • If you want to interview someone younger than 18 years old, you must get permission from their parent or guardian before doing so.
  • If you wish to record the interview, you must get permission from your interview subject prior to doing so.
  • You do not need to include the interview transcript with your final paper.
  • Here are some other tips for conducting an interview.

Paper Sections 

  1. Background (10%)
    • Choosing your interview subject
      • How do you know this person?
      • Why did you choose this person to interview?
    • Description of relevant demographic characteristics
      • Age, gender, race/ethnicity, country of origin, current place of residence, current job, etc. (You do not need to include all of these, just enough to set the stage for the reader on who this person is).

2. Institutional Analysis 1 (Below are some examples of how to think about analyzing their experience with gender in the institution. You do not need to answer all of these). (35%)

    • Describe their relationship to this institution.
    • How is this institution gendered?
    • How did this institution shape their understanding of gender?
    • What course concepts can you connect their experience to?

3. Institutional Analysis 2 (35%)

      • Describe their relationship to this institution.
      • How is this institution gendered?
      • How did this institution shape their understanding of gender?
      • What course concepts can you connect their experience to?

  4. Personal Reaction/Conclusion (10%)

    • How was your experience interviewing this person?
    • Did you learn anything new and/or did the interview make you think about something that you hadn’t considered before regarding gender?

  5. Word Count (2.5%)

  6. Style/Grammar (2.5%)

  7. Cite course materials in-text in ASA style (5%)

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