social problem solving paper
this essay should be related to the previous one that you wrote which was about “Plastic pollution”. please see attachment as it will explain the essay requirements. Also, read 2# which is the current assignment. number 1# was the first essay.
don’t worry about the second file the sort one I will end the edited one
for the sources, you do not need to so the upon. just any 2 online credible sources.
read 2# because that’s what you should write about. and you know the drill. same topic. “plastic pollution”.
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Accumulation of plastics in the environment has continued growing over the years. Even though plastic is not digestible by the earth, we continue using plastics all over the world. Plastics are useful in that they are easily disposable and effective in holding products; for instance, drinking water is sold in plastic bottles among others. We have become accustomed to the extent
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