Module 5 Concept Questions Social Structure

Module 5 Concept Questions Social Structure

Based on the assigned reading, answer all the following questions in your own words. Please make sure you write in complete sentences, and your answers are written clearly enough to be understood. If you do not understand one of the concepts, discuss what is unclear to you. All of your answers, together, must make up 150 words or more for you to earn credit.

1. Define social structure
2. Define status and the different types of statuses. Give examples of each.
3. Define roles. How are roles related to statuses?
4. Define role conflict and give at least one example of role conflict
5. Define role strain and give an example of role strain
6. Define social interaction and the different types of social interaction
7. What is a social group? What are the distinguishing characteristics of a social groups?
8. Define and give examples of the following: in groups, out groups; reference groups; primary & secondary groups
9. What are social networks?
10. Discuss what a bureaucracy is and the pluses and minuses of this type of organizational structure.
11. Define social institutions and give an example of one.

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Module 5 Concept Questions Social Structure


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