Structural Functionalism and Continuity Theories

Structural Functionalism and Continuity Theories


  • Create open-ended interview questions to help elicit expanded responses
  • Peer constructive feedback


You must submit at least 5 sample interview questions by the start of class today. During class, we will work in groups and I will meet with each of you to discuss your questions and help you with creating a final draft of at least 10 solid interview questions.

Interview Questions


  • Draft open-ended interview questions to elicit broad responses
  • Provide constructive peer feedback
  • Use the questions to interview an elder (60+ years of age)


You must submit a final draft of at least 10 potential interview questions as a part of your final project. Avoid yes/no questions. The questions should encourage detail and story-telling.

Interview Instructions – Final Project

This is your final exam for the course and should be treated as such as you prepare your paper.

You will interview one person aged 60 years or older. Ask them questions about their childhood, relationships, marriage, having children, working when they were younger and currently (Do they still work? Are they retired?), access to health care, and other topics that have been covered in the course. You will then write a paper describing this person (change their name for confidentiality please), their life experiences, and discuss how you would relate various sociological theories to this person’s life and experiences.

Answer questions like:

You must also include a discussion of how TWO sociological theories relate to the information in this interview. You must choose ONE of the following: Structural Functionalism, Conflict Theory, or Symbolic Interactionism; AND ONE of the following aging theories: Disengagement, Continuity, Modernization, or Feminist Theory. No other theories will be accepted.

This paper should be typed, with standard margins, a readable, standard font, and contain no spelling or grammatical errors. Points will be deducted for these errors. Do not write in the first person. Make sure you define the theories in your own words and use them evenly throughout the paper, using examples from the person’s life to support your ideas. This paper should be approximately 8 pages long. Please cite any sources used other than yourself and your interview participant.

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