Discuss and identify what you see as the possible benefits and/or drawbacks of you attending graduate school to complete your MSW

Weekly discussion social worker

Style APA
Number of words 333
Number of sources 0
Spacing Double
PowerPoint slides 0


Based on the two articles about graduate school, discuss and identify what you see as the possible benefits and/or drawbacks of you attending graduate school to complete your MSW (discuss BOTH).
Interview other professionals in your agency about the graduate school option. Ask your supervisor, mentors, sites supervisors and other colleagues. Also speak with any current graduate level interns at your agency and ask them their thoughts on graduate school benefits or drawbacks. Summarize their input.
Discuss three things you gleaned from these inquiries about graduate school that were most impactful for you.
Cite your work

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Discuss and identify what you see as the possible benefits and or drawbacks of you attending graduate school to complete your MSW

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