However this is an individual assignment and all students are required to submit this assignment.

However this is an individual assignment and all students are required to submit this assignment.

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Personal or Company SWOT analysis – It is entirely acceptable to do a SWOT analysis on the Company of the case your team chooses to do for your team project. However this is an individual assignment and all students are required to submit this assignment.

  1. Perform a SWOT analysis for either yourself, your team, or a topic or business of your choice. Please be certain to include at least two bullet points under each of the SWOT areas. Be sure to keep in mind the difference between the weaknesses an threats. I have included the YouTube video by Erica Olson for your review. It is the same one as was posted in week one with the Mission and Vision YouTube videos.







The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to apply what you have learned about the SWOT analysis.

How to Perform a SWOT Analysis (Links to an external site.)How to Perform a SWOT Analysis

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However this is an individual assignment and all students are required to submit this assignment.


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