Synthesis paper final draft
I want you to write the final draft of the synthesis paper. I have the feedback of the draft one from my professor (in blue colors). Please read them carefully. I need the introduction of this paper, rather than just the summary (you can see it in the file). The connection is very important, how can they relate to each other. Please focus on the claim and connect them. I need a whole completely paper, not bits and pieces. Please help me to improve it. I have the introduction attached below and three articles. I want the deep analysis (writing styles processes, tone, evidence..) I want you combining multiples sources around a central topic.
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Technology and its Impact on our Lives
Our planet has been changing in many ways over the years. These changes have most definitely had a great impact on our lives in close to every aspect. In the past two decades, the changes that have shaped the world have mainly been based on information technology and the advent of the internet in the 21st century. These changes have made it easy for people to access information unlike in the past where information was scarce and not easy accessible as it is today. The manner in which people communicate has also changed significantly with more emphasis being paid to virtual forms of communication instead of the traditional face-to-face communication that our forefathers were accustomed to in the past.
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