Teaching Strategies and Technology for the Nurse Educator

Teaching Strategies and Technology for the Nurse Educator

Needs Assessment: Describe an educational need you could address by offering a three-week blended/hybrid course of study. This means that there are online and in-person components. At least 50% of your course must be delivered online. This could be content in a nursing program, or it can address a need you have identified where you work. Do not create a course for patients or the general public. It must be for nursing students or nurses. Address the following questions. Explain your rationales and provide documentation to support your decisions.
What do you hope to accomplish by offering this training? Learner Analysis: Describe your potential learners (what are the likely characteristics of your intended audience?). Address each area below.
Age Range
Education Level
Background Knowledge of the Subject
Computer Proficiency
Motivation to learn
How many students will you enroll in your class at a given time? Why is this an optimal size?
What are your time expectations of the learner? How much time should a learner expect spend on this course material each week? Be realistic.

Needs Assessment: What kind of financial and technological support will you need and from whom?
What hardware/software must the instructor and learner have?
Is there a book or any type of additional learning materials that must be purchased by the student? If not, what resources will be provided?

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