The Effect Covid19

The Effect Covid19

The effect covid19 has—and will continue to have—on mental health is unprecedented. In 2,000 words, explore one such impact. You have a lot of room to roam with this assignment. For instance, the focus of your paper may be on epidemiological factors like suicide rates in pediatric populations, the effect covid has had on the rise of Telehealth, or how lockdown procedures may have impacted children’s development of language/communication skills. The paper is research-based, not an opinion-based essay, and needs to be supported with the use of at least four outside references.   

Complete Module 7 assignment only.


Discussion Question 7

Review the assignment for the Research Paper and complete a preliminary review of some possible references. In your post, share your initial thoughts on what focus your research paper will address and list three possible references. Two-hundred to 250 words should do the job for this post

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