The hypothalamus

The hypothalamus

Discussion board post on: Hormones of the hypothalamus and each lobe of the pituitary; Anterior vs posterior lobes of the pituitary;

You will be writing an essay for a discussion board post. The topic is:

  1. Hormones of the hypothalamus and each lobe of the pituitary; Anterior vs posterior lobes of the pituitary;

Follow the rubric below:

Post 1: Main post 60 Points Possible
1. Student submitted a thorough, accurate and substantive post. This included addressing all of the original questions/topics in a clear, logical and organized manner. 25
2. Student demonstrated a clear understanding of the topic. Critical thinking about topic was included. 15
3. Assignment submitted on time and on a different day than other posts. Assignment met 325 word count minimum. 10
4. Appropriate scientific college-level sources were used. Post contained APA formatted references and in-text citations. The post was grammatically correct. 10

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The functionality of the body systems depends entirely on the coordination of the various organs and functions through the responses induced by the neurological and endocrine systems. Notably, all these systems are coordinated from the brain, which makes it one of the most important organs of the…

(435 Words)

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